<aside> 💡 Do you have a Free Site or a website generating Free Leads by Email? Then we’re interested in buying your Leads!




Create a new user easily and log them in:

Every new user gets 1 free video and you get paid for all of the upcoming subscriptions!

# POST request:

curl <https://api.bang.com/affiliate/lead> -X POST \\
    -H 'Authorization: Affiliate YOUR-API-KEY' \\
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
    -d '{"aff":"AFF","email":"CUSTOMER_EMAIL","ip":"CUSTOMER_IP"}'

This will create a new BANG! account linked to your affiliate account


In case of SUCCESS the API will return a JSON response with a 200 status code

"status": "success",
"login_link": "<https://www.bang.com/?atg=XXX>",
"email": "CUSTOMER_EMAIL",
"username": "CUSTOMER_USERNAME",

In case of ERROR the API will return a JSON response with a 400 status code

"status": "failed",
    "error description 1",
    "error description last"